Even before the Corona crisis, ISG was a pioneer for innovative, digital solutions in the construction industry. But as the Corona virus entered the scene, the going got tough and ISG had to be even more creative to cope with the challenges.
The #digibuild solution allows ISG to show the construction progress to their customers from a safe distance without the need for them to come on site. Want to know how? – watch the videos to find out.
At ISG, our vision is to be the world's most dynamic construction services company, delivering places that help people and businesses thrive.
The ISG mission statement Tweet
Also part of the ISG branding guidelines was 3-staged concept of information detail/density which we at SIGNUM 7 STUDIOS use in a similar fashion as well.
If your customer only has a few seconds of time available, you need eye-catching visuals to grab the attention of prospects and customers to make them curious to discover more.
If you have one minute of attention, a teaser video like the one you saw above, is the right thing. This short video can be used for Instagram or LinkedIn and works with or without music and voiceover. But if possible, music, voice and sound design will amplify the effect.
To tell the full story, a video – not longer than 3 minutes – is best. For that reason, we created a video fully packed with information but also with lots of emotions taking the audience on a journey from the Corona challenges to smart digital solutions which will enable ISG’s customers to get ready for the future. ISG wanted to have maximum authenticity so we used only true ISG employees in the cast for the film and even for the voiceover of the English and German version.
ISG wanted to have maximum authenticity so we used only true ISG employees in the cast for the film and even for the voiceover of the English and German version.
Within six weeks from the first concepts for the storyboard to the final cut of the videos including the voiceovers for two languages, we were able to deliver a high quality film to tell the story of #digibuild.
We are a unique combination of CAD planning services for architects and construction companies, design competencies as well as professional skills in photography and film production.